Friday, April 24, 2009

Spiritual Pride

I don't know about you, but this is something I have to constantly keep at the forefront of my mind. I often say that whatever issue or problem I am facing, the answer usually comes in a very specific way. All that is required of me is to continue to be obedient and on the lookout for the answers.

For example, when I began writing this blog, I didn't know how or if or to whom I should be sending it. Especially when no one asked to have it sent to them. Personally, the one thing I detest most is unsolicited calls or knocks on my door from people trying to push a product. I thought to myself, 'These people have no interest in what you have to say' and 'they'll probably just delete it anyway.' I then had to ask myself several questions. Why am I writing this blog? What is its purpose? And, what kind of outcome do you expect from writing it?

Amazingly, or not so amazing if you see God at work in everything, I read something (very timely indeed) that went to the core of this issue. I will share some of it now. In Luke chapter 10, Jesus told his disciples, "Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you." What? Well, Oswald Chambers believes, as I do, that worldliness and even sin (as one defines sin) are not the traps that most endanger Christians. He says, "The trap we fall into is extravagantly desiring spiritual success." Wow! What a smack in the face!

So, I then began to answer my own questions. Why am I writing this blog? I have been writing my thoughts on paper for over a year now. Yet, the writing that ends up on the paper is not from me. The reason I write is because I feel that I am moved to write by God. I always hated writing and still do for the most part. Yet, I can write with a passion about something I believe in. And the one thing with 100% certainty that I believe in today is God. He has carried me through the valley of the shadow of death. I also like to write about obesity and addiction because it is something I believe is very much interrelated. But, that's for another blog. So, I write this blog because I believe in God and feel moved by his Spirit to share his truth.

What is the purpose? The purpose of this blog is to point to God. Whatever I write is meant (or should be meant) to glorify him, not me. And, if anyone reading this believes that not to be the case, please point it out to me. I still need rebuking from time to time. I have always grappled with how to 'go out and make disciples.' We live in a very cynical, violent, and hurt world. And, my own fear has been that people would reject me! Did you get that last statement? Reject me! Well if it's all about God, then there should be no me in it in the first place. If I point to God and his truth, then there should be no fear of personal rejection. That fear is nothing more than pride and egoism in me. Like Rick Warren says in the first sentence of his book Purpose Driven Life, "It's not about me!" What a relief to know and truly accept that today. I'm just one among billions.

Finally, what kind of outcome do I expect from writing this blog? Chambers writes again, "One life totally devoted to God is of more value to Him than one hundred lives which have been simply been awakened by His Spirit." My intention is not to awaken anyone's spirit. Only God can save souls and stir spirits. I must remain a humble servant pointing to Him and let Him do all the work. I must decrease, so He can increase. When it becomes about any one person, then people are attracted to the person, not God. And that will result in real disappointment every single time. Trust me, don't go by anything I say or do because I am apt to disappoint you. Just ask my wife. Therefore, I don't feel like I'm coming to anyone like the salesperson I mentioned earlier. Why? Because the sales person has an agenda and its a me agenda. They point you to something alright, but it's to something that is fleeting, failing, and dying. And the product is sold to benefit the salesperson. I am trying to sell you something alright! I am trying to sell you on the God idea. When all else fails, God always is and remains and never forsakes. You don't need a warranty with this product and it is given, not sold, to benefit you. People tell me often that I must give back what has been freely given to me. Well, that is my intention.

C.S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity, "There is no fault which makes a man more unpopular, and no fault which we are more unconscious of in ourselves. And the more we have it ourselves, the more we dislike it in others." He called it the Great Sin, and that sin is Pride or Self-Conceit.

Therefore, I pray that I not fall into spiritual pride and I will rely upon you all to advise me if I do.